Friday, March 31, 2006

ahhhhh it is spring, the flowers are coming out and i personally can't wait for the lilacs to show up,(hey it is the only flower i can actually smell, the first and only one, you people told me the smelled great but i had no idea!, my sense of smell is so fucked up) and the best part about spring this time is that it is on fucking time too!! today i enjoyed a nice spring rain, a favorite past time of mine. what can i say spring just puts me in a great mood, and to top the whole thing off school is almost over!.alot of you fuckers thought i was stark raving mad to attempt to work full-time, and go to school full-time, well guess what? fuck you! i fucking made it with my sanity somewhat intact. i passed all my courses, and met lots of people, some cool, some really fucking annoying, but that is how it goes can't have one without the other. and very recently i was chosen for this production manager thing for this installation project, i went fucking crazy working on it we made this audio box that ended up weighing 550-600lbs, and the best part we couldn't find a way to get it to the friggin show by any normal transportation, so we did the next best thing. now first unless you live in toronto you won't understand, but we pushed this thing on a couple of dollies from cabbagetown to the AGO, which is approximately 24 city blocks! it was an adventure, me and four other people lugged that shit box at 3 in the morning, half drunk, that way we didn't notice the pain we were most definitely we come soon. somehow i survived all of this. let see how much longer i last.


Blogger Keshi said...

**i fucking made it with my sanity somewhat intact. i passed all my courses, and met lots of people, some cool, some really fucking annoying, but that is how it goes can't have one without the other.

lol thats so true...with every cool encounter, there comes a f###ing annoying one too :)


8:04 PM  

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