Friday, September 30, 2005

morning again and there is a party going on outside and there are some dicks who feel the urge to smash beer bottles onto the concrete for kicks. god, are we still 16, is there always going to be dickheads who enjoy this useless activity?
do people really enjoy this shit i find it to be just so fucking trite and there only answer is "uh?"
and then there is going to be a fight as per usual they are yelling and screaming and pounding their fists on the ground.
fucking stupid if you ask me, i am wondering how my friends are doing in their many episodes of life. i hope that they are doing ok. i must go to sleep and wake up to go to work. i am reading a book hot water music by bukowski it is good so far,mention more later.

Monday, September 26, 2005

just finished drawing for the past three hours and it wasn't that bad i mostly drew pictures of toys that i own it was more fun than the animal pictures that we had to do now i get to do theis bookmark thing for the jewish centre or something like that don't know what i am going to but i will come up with something. well i have to go to bed or i will turn into a zombie when i go to school tomorrow which would be kinda funny. i heard about this group of people who got together and dressed up like zombies and then they ambushed amcdonalds and tried to order using only moans and grunts and of course the odd BRAINS!
after a while they trashed the mcdonalds and then the proceeded to mont royal(this happened in montreal) and encountered a bunch of dungeons and dragons kids all decked out in their character attire and suddenly thought that these zombies who were running from the cops were really real and started to battle with them from what i heard it was kept pretty low key and was only advertised in the local news but hell i would have loved to hang out in a crazy crowd like that.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

it is weird i have been feeling like some of my most precious ideas are starting to dissipate from memory and that the things
that i hold dear in my mind will slowly and inconspicously disappear. for instance i have this little character that i created that i have kept with me for a long time he is the closest thing i keep in my mind and i feel that because of all this school stuff and structure which is something i am not very accustomed to is starting to take over my creativity and turn me into a drooling automaton like the rest of these "conceptual artists" who speak and do nothing, so today i was drawing and i found that i was using rational thought to draw a character i had produced out of the chaos of my conscience and he looked as if he'd been abused, like he had been in some sort of a knife fight. upon realizing what i had done i profusely apologized (now i know this sounds a smig stabish) to him, but it was more to myself for unconciously letting myself go and then i wrote these words (yes i know i am alittle off so let me be) "no matter what do not give in to the structure, keep who you are, never lose who you are." i felt a bit sad that i had done this, trust me melodrama is not my forte, you know it is almost like a waking from a dream and reality limbs over and smacks you across your face with his uncircumcised member! in my opinion it is very similar to a person who becomes jaded, but not in the petty way i think that you can jade yourself with the things that are supposed to be good and that is just the fucked up part! we do the things that are expected of us and we fall into the same traps like others before us have, you have to remember what the real important things in life are not my career, house, car, mobile,big flat screen tv with a mutitude of channels! nuf said.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

well another toiling day at school but no matter i finished most of what i had to do and now i think that i can relax a little todays classes were really easy they mostly talked and didn't assign anything so i can slowly work on the last few things that i need to finish. so now it is relax time.

Monday, September 19, 2005

well another day of mind smashing fun. the project with the emotion thingy went fine. next i have to draw for a about 3 hours different objects for my drawing class which so the teacher can gauge our drawing skill level.
so i was thinking about my friends who are in japan at the moment, drinking like fish and having an all around smashing good time which kinda bothers me cause when i went i had no one to travel with. but it was still fun but it would of been good to relate to someone about the things i saw and did. but oh well, they are there and i am here working and going to school but i am not complaining i will just get through the year and then have a bit of a vacation to somewhere nice and relaxing which is something that i think i will need see ya
well 4 am again and i have been spending way too much time on the computer i don't know if anyone will get anything from the weird stuff i have posted or not. the spiders are still alive, man they are some resilient little buggers and surprisingly they
poop i had no idea they did that.... i mean it seems logical but for some reason it hadn't occured to me until i saw the poop with my own eyes. and so the emotion thing is done i really don't see the benefit from making these things imean the only thing that comes to mind is that it may just keep us busy while they think up something worth doing.
i just can't wait untili get into the second year and then i will be able to do some more progressive work. for instance the course that i am going into is going to involve the making of robots now that should be really cool.
you i once heard that there was a composer who stayed up all night all the time and one day he went completely blind, i wonder if that is true and if so will i eventually go blind as well? i really hope not that would end it for me i would be totally screw if that happened. now that i think of it i think i will go to bed pleasant morning.
me sleepy now and tomorrow i go to me scool bye.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

well back from the corpse bride and i thought that it was ok the character design was good but the new robotic feature was the wrong direction to go the characters were a bit off and the camera work was not the best mostly blurry pan shots which i found quite annoying but also you see that burton wasn't there most of the time. background was unidentifiable mostly because of the panning blur. working on my homework again finished the useless swatches. man what a load they try to dump on you, trying to pass themselves off as supposed artists. well enough with my complaining went to chinatown and had some food some preserved egg and pork congee with roast pork and rice no vegetables unfortunately no time and way too much food. suddenly i was thinking about the mascot for the tokyo metropolitan police! yeah thats right a fucking mascot he is this little bear with an antenna on his head and here is the best part they not only have a mascot but a family for the mascot (father, mother, sister, little brother, grandfather and and grandmother) and as if that wasn't good enough they have aTHEME SONG!!!!! its fucking hillarious everyone should go and check it out just google the tokyo metropolitan police and you'll see, now it is all in japanese but look around a bit and you will see, oh and by the way his name is pipo.
those japanese they are crazy they come up with some of the weirdest shit. well off to do more homework i have to make an emotion now with circles, squares, and triangles with a colour scheme of white, grey and black...............hope it is fun

just finished my homework and all i can say is blah i can't seem to get used to this university stuff its been a few years since that i have been in school but hopefully i will get used to it soon. if anyone decides to go to art school be prepared to do alot of bullshit work like swatches and colour schemes that have to be accurate and even and boring oh don't forget time consuming so just sat on my patio and worked to this really odd choir of blackbirds that were sqwuaking incessently.
then it occured to me that the season was over and that winter was well on it's way. that should be a good time and halloween will be soon now that is something to look forward to i have always loved to make my costumes sometimes they can be really fun last year i was zombie siloent bob and my friend was zombie jay the only problem with zombie jay was that he couldn't be as vocal as jay is. well off to see corpse bride and some noodles in chinatown....mmmmm.....nooodles!

3am, kinda sleepy but the longer that i stay awake the more the euphoria sets in which can be amusing. hey with all the stuff that i am doing on a regular basis this is sadly the only amusement that i can get. Does everyone do this or is it just me and i wouldn't doubt that others are asking the same thing.i decided to start posting for reasons beyond me i guess that i wanted to try something new. to get things out, be a little bit more verbal, but that is an understatement in this situation, i mean what could be more exposing than to put your thoughts on the internet, now unless your some sort of an attention seeker and hope to meet someone new than this must be the place to be. after all, what would most of these people be doing with this so called blog site, now don't get me wrong i think it is a good idea. i feel that i can put my thoughts out with total anonimity. now i am sitting here and observing these two spiders i found spider #1 is a daring jumping spider (phidippus audax)sorry don't mean to get so technical i just like details. and spider#2 is still unknown to me.
you see i have this habit if i find something (like the spiders) and i become extremely curious i go a little stabby and i research like crazy. sort of a hobby. tonight i was with some friends and watched the new kevin smith dvd with all the schools he visited and gave a q & aquite the funny shit. he has a great sense of humour and the inside stories with prince and some of his personal life were's 3am in minnesota and i want a camel.
by the way i am become a daft punk fanatic, i am not much of a music person, mostly a visual sort of guy
after all i am an "artist" .......... man that word is starting to lose it's meaning with all these wanna bees who
splatter some paint on a canvas or grab a camera and take some pictures and magically they are "artists"
it sometimes makes me ill when i encounter these vapid bloated mooching whores who take the meaning
that "art is anything" to the fucking limit, you see they have these invisible tentacles that feel for weaknesses to penetrate, so they can weasel there way into what ever social circle they please. and this isn't some sort of elitism i have no problem with people i just feel better when they are not around. ha ha (thank you charles bukowski for your great words) no really there are some people out there who don't understand how much it hurts others when they pull their nicely ironed fascades over their heads and voila " i am a ninja, a radioactive monkey, an artist or musician, or maybe even jesus?
hey you can never tell anymore. everyone wants to be something i mean if i wanted to be a fire truck i could always give it a try, but where would that leave me, what would i become then just an empty shell with fake dreams.
i know i blabber on alot but if youve read this far i guess what i am saying isn't that boring and that what i am typing is something of substance. i am at the end of the line. i will leave this as it is and do more next time
"we live in a world where sex is death and rain is poison, if sex is death, and you can't go out and enjoy a cool summer rain at any given time then there isn't much left but T.V. and relentless masterbation"
words of the late Hunter S. Thompson.